elm village tutors private tutor London

Online Tuition

Online Tuition

Our online services include:

For those not attending school (for whatever reason) we can provide comprehensive home-schooling. We cover all the usual subjects that are on the school curriculum, but we can also make this time an opportunity to explore a variety of other subjects such as theatre, culture, politics, current affairs, and environmental issues, thus broadening their education. As one-to-one tuition is much more efficient than classroom teaching, a home-schooled student will often return to school ahead of the game in the key academic subjects. Based on our discussions with you, we will select and coordinate a range of expert tutors to cover all the various subjects your child is studying and create a weekly timetable. We will provide you with a weekly report for each subject so you can continually monitor progress. We can also provide references for places at schools and universities.

We can arrange regular tutoring sessions in the evenings, at weekends and during school holidays that will broaden a student’s knowledge across a range of academic and non-academic subjects.

For students who just want the odd helping hand with some homework, an essay or a project, for example.

Our tutors have a wealth of experience in university entrance procedures and are here to assist with the application process.

Some advantages of Online Tuition